Sarcouncil Journal of Medical Series

ISSN Online- 2945-3550
Country of origin- PHILIPPINES
Frequency- Monthly
Language- English

Sarcouncil Journal of  Medical Series ISSN online 2945-3550 is an Open Access, Peer-Reviewed Journal, publishing high quality research findings as original Research Articles (RA), Review Articles (RevArt), Short Communications (SC), and Letters To Editor (LTE) in all aspects of applied sciences. This journal will follow precise peer review process involving expert review committee.

This jounal covers various topics that explain the working system of the human body. Sarcouncil journal of medical series   covers all the subjects that recognize the connection of body, mind and nutrition. From the collection of huge articles, you can explore matters related to the fundamental requirement of the functioning of a body, the diagnosis of different diseases and most importantly the significance of a healthy and fit body. Our articles give you a thorough knowledge and understanding of the terminologies like Pathology, Radiology, Serology, Surgery, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Cytology, Embryology, Endocrinology, Epidemiology, Genetics, Histology and all related fields.

Volume I

Volume II

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