Sarcouncil Journal of Arts and Literature
ISSN Online- 2945-364X
Country of origin-Philippines
Frequency- BI-Monthly
Language- Multilingual
Publisher- SARC Publisher
- Journal Details
- Aim & Scope
Sarcouncil Journal of Arts and Literature ISSN online 2945-364X is an Open Access, Peer-Reviewed Journal, publishing high quality research findings as original Research Articles (RA), Review Articles (RevArt), Short Communications (SC), and Letters To Editor (LTE) in all aspects of Arts and Literature. This journal will follow precise peer review process involving expert review committee.
The Scopes of the Journal: Anthropology, Archaeology, Communication, Criminology, Education, Aesthetics, Epistemology, Ethics, Logic, Philosophy of Language, Philosophy of Education, Linguistics, International Relations, Political Science, Geography, History, Law, Psychology, Health, Economy, Trade, Arts, History, Literature, Religion, Marriage, Family Life, Philosophy, Sociology, Demography, Library Science, Journalism, Media Studies, Languages, Acrobatics, Busking, Geospatial Information Science, Comedy, Dance, Magic, Music, Opera, Film, Juggling, Marching Arts, Brass Bands, Theater, Visual Arts, Drawing, Painting, Studies, Multicultural, Gender, Minority Studies, Women Studies, Social Work, and Social Welfare, etc.
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