Background: the stress incontinence quit common female problem following child delivery, a lot of procedure were used solve it, ranging from invasive to minimal invasive. TVT and TOT minimal invasive procedures this study is to compare in between relating to outcome and complications. Patients and method: The study was retrospectively recording over 100 patients was done in Alnuaaman teaching hospital in Baghdad – Iraq. The period is from November 2020 to November 2023. Fifty patients make TOT out- in procedure other 50 patients TVT procedure. The patient were subdivided Group A (TOT) , group B ( TVT). Follow up over 6 months to changes in number of pads, cough test and patients’ satisfaction. Results: the study that done we fellow up the time to hospital stay, foley insertion time and operation time. Mean of operation time in group A 25.7 and group B 34.2 min. hospital stay in group A 1.7-day, B 2.1 days, catheter insertion 7.4 days in group A and 8.3 days in group B. Conclusion: The TVT and TOT both are good option to treat stress incontinence, no statistically significant difference in both procedures. And TVT have higher risk to bladder perforation
stress incontinence, transobturator tape, transvaginal tape, pads test, cough test