Role of Educational Aaps in Enhancing Speed and Accuracy in Mathematics


This paper focus on the use of educational apps has the potential to reform the learning involvement, a specific application of app knowledge that resulted from a study looking at how mobile devices are utilised in classroom mathematics. The general use of smartphones and tablets today may help to improve education. Learning was made available through a variety of freely installable software at any convenient time and location. Mathematics was one of the most challenging topics to study in school. Approaching mathematics would become more challenging when blended learning was added as an alternative to traditional face-to-face instruction. Independent learning may lessen the challenges of studying mathematics in this new regular education. Students learned several digital tools within some of the study’s apps Word problem solving was made possible by technology’s affordances, such as multi-representation, dynamic, and tactile, which characterized learning from traditional instruction in the classroom


Application, face-to-face instruction, Mathematics, software and study’s apps