This descriptive research was conducted to determine the perceived level of competence and teaching performance of the English Professors in different SUCs in Region VI. The level of competence of the English Professors in SUCs in Region VI as perceived by the teachers themselves was described as highly competent, while as perceived by the supervisors, the English Professors were also highly competent. Furthermore, there were 14 highly competent and 10 competent English Professors as described by the teachers’ themselves, as described by the supervisors, there were 22 highly competent and only 2 competent teachers. As perceived by the teachers’ themselves, the level of performance of the English Professors was described as “very high”, as perceived by the supervisors, the English Professors level of performance was also “very high”. According to the teachers’ themselves, there were 24 very satisfactory level of performance of the English Professors, as perceived by the supervisors, 100% of the English Professors had been described to have a very satisfactory level of performance. None of the English Professors was described to be satisfactory, fair nor poor in performance. When the respondents were grouped into rural and urban areas, no significant difference was noted in the teaching competence, also no significant difference in the teaching performance.
Perception, teaching competence, teaching performance.