This paper can be taken as a hypothesis combining the facts scientists have discovered so far with the scriptures of Hinduism whose sages used meditation to merge with God to acquire seemingly similar knowledge. The paper can be looked upon as filling of the seams of the bricks formed by scientists who developed their knowledge via empirical measurements. The paper starts with the formation of earth and its current moving speed in the universe compared to other bodies around earth. The different layers of earth all the way to the atmosphere and the magnetism and gravity it exerts. The formation of the moon is then described. The paper then deals with how improbable the unique circumstances coincided on earth to foster lifeform and the consequent evolution. The next topic is the age of the universe and the 14 Lokas according to Hindu mythology. The reincarnation is talked about and how the early thinkers developed all their knowledge. The need for unity and complementary living of humans despite coming from very diverse backgrounds is stressed. Then the Avatars and the purpose of their life on earth is described in brief. Next what happens to souls as they leave earth is expounded upon. The last portion of the paper dwells on the desire for humans to engage in space travel