From 1987 to now we have been trying to solve the development problems the Brundtland Commission detailed for us in “Our Common Future” perhaps without realizing that the golden paradigm of Adam Smith had not performed as expected since 1776 because it was a golden trojan paradigm, under which the expectations of the golden paradigm are inverted so that instead of expected optimal outcomes, like optimal population dynamic impacts and optimal system stability impacts due to market dynamics we witness the slow coming of non-optimal outcomes that through time become overpopulation problems and environmental problems as the optimal traditional market by assumption turns out to be an increasingly distorted market in reality. Hence, there is a need to understand the possible solutions, partial and full solutions, to the golden trojan traditional market paradigm problem 1776-1987 documented by the Brundtland Commission. And this raises the question: how the golden trojan paradigm theory can be used to point out the structure and current implications of partial solutions and full solutions to the development problems detailed by the WCED in 1987. Among the goals of this paper is to provide an answer to this question