Knowledge Attitude and Practice of Food Handlers on Prevention and Transmission of Typhoid Fever in Adama Science and Thechnology University Students Cafe


Background: Food handlers are as a person who directly engages in the handling of food, or who handles surfaces likely to come into contact with food for a business. Typhoid fever is one of the frequently occurring among the major diseases which are reported as food borne illnesses. Close contact with infected person, using infected water and food, poor food handling and poor practice of food handlers are major risk factors for the diseases. Food handlers play an important role in ensuring food safety throughout the chain of production, processing storage and preparation of foods Objective: To assess knowledge, attitude and practice of food handlers towards prevention and transmission of typhoid fever in Adama science and technology University, south east Ethiopia, 2023. Method: An institutional based cross-sectional study design was conducted in Adama science and technology University students ‘cafe among 177 food handlers in 2023; to measure knowledge, attitude and practice of food handlers on prevention and transmission of typhoid fever.  A conventional random sampling technique was carried out to interview number of food handlers in study area. The data was collected from Mar1 to June 7, 2023. Finally, the result was presented using texts, tables and figures. Result: The level of knowledge about how typhoid fever is transmitted and prevented was low among study participants; only 34.6% and 38.6%, respectively, knew how typhoid fever spreads and how it is prevented. The most commonly mentioned methods of preventing typhoid fever were washing hands with soap before eating (87.3%), drinking boiled water (75.7%) and washing hands before cooking, cooking food thoroughly and eating food while hot (75.7%). Most respondents (96%) reported seeking medical assistance when sick, with 95.8% of them seeking care from religious sources of health care. Conclusion and Recommendation: Even though majority of study participants had poor knowledge and attitude level on how to handle food in Adama University students’ cafe, the food handlers had good practice level on prevention and control on typhoid fever activities in the Adama science and technology university students’ cafe