In order to make an impactful changes and choices in our company or organization. Therefore we will try to contribute to the project management body of knowledge by addressing the following research question: How can we methodically create Audit Risk Assement (ARA) to improve Project Management Maturity in a projects? Through the analysis of the historical data. The method that we used in this paper is a literature study. We looking from any kind of relevant source of information, such as books, journals, and articles from a validated site. Like google scholars, emerald publishing, researchgate, and etc. We found and proposed a method called The Audit Quality Maturity Model -Version 1.0 (AQMM v1.0) by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI). The method that we propose has a benefit of making Audit firms able to self-evaluate their current level of Audit Maturity, identify areas where competencies are good or lacking and then develop a road map for upgrading to a higher level of maturity