Evaluation of the Ultrasound Results in Rural Clinics in Thi Qar Governorate


This study aimed to Evaluation of the Ultrasound Results in Rural Clinics in Thi Qar Governorate and compare it with hospitals that rely on ultrasound diagnosis of the patient. A demographic study was conducted in Thi Qar Governorate, Iraq, involving 120 patients. Of these, 90 underwent ultrasound diagnosis, and 30 did not. The objective of the study was to gain insight into the potential benefits and risks associated with ultrasound technology, particularly in the context of its use in rural areas where ultrasound diagnosis is not readily available. A questionnaire was distributed to patients in order to ascertain the reasons for the non-use of ultrasound. Furthermore, the study evaluated the quality of life of the patients and identified the associated risk factors. The data were analyzed using IBM SPSS and Microsoft Lexus 2013 software. The use of ultrasound procedures has been demonstrated to enhance patient satisfaction and improve quality of life outcomes. The available evidence indicates that skeletal muscle ultrasound is associated with increased confidence in the efficacy of treatments and greater trust in healthcare providers. The utilization of ultrasound-guided interventions in knee procedures has been demonstrated to result in enhanced pain relief and patient satisfaction. The sequence of radiological procedures is also a factor.