Effect of Toxcity Fusarium Sporotrichioides Isolated From Wheat Crops and Extract Eruca Sativa on Oxidative Stress Factors in Male Adult Rabbits


The Fungus strains of wheat crops from the region Hawija district in Kirkuk city were collected and then isolated on PDA agar plates .the morphology and structure of the resulting fungus, accompanied by the formation of conidia , are all important factors that we put in perspective. As data collection trial , we purchased 16 rabbits , which  were  fully males and divided into four groups: in the first group as the control  group, the second group infected  and the third group infected  and treated  by 50 mg of  plant extract, and the last group.  The last one will be treated by 100 mg of  Eruca Sativa extract. Similarly, we have taken the level  of Oxidative marker factors  after the treatmeant process. The MDA values which are representative. Of the lipid peroxidation in the infected rabbits. Were highly significant when compared to thr normal group (p <0.05). In the meantime< the GSH and the catalase which scavenged the neactive oxygen spesies becoming very low were lower than the MDA values ( p<0.05). It was seen as slightly different between 100 and 50 mg leaves extract of the connected rabbit. Were found in one or more of the level of MDA, GSH, and catalase, or LCAT, and compared to the healthy rabbits that significant quantities of such variation (p<0.05).