Transopturator Tape (TOT) for the Treatment of Stress Urinary incontinence in Females, Review of 50 Operated on Cases in Baghdad Hospitals


Stress urinary incontinence is defined as the involuntary leak of urine during efforts or exertion. It is reported to be affecting (4-35%) of women with successive increase in prevalence over age. In the period between Jan 2017 Jan 2018, we had operated on more than 75 cases by TOT, and we conducted a study to review the results of implementation of this procedure on incontinence patients, trying to evaluate the success rate and its relation to certain patient and disease variables. Assessment of the study sample demography revealed: a median age of (49) (33 -56); median BMI of 28.3; 65% of them being postmenopausal, 93% being multiparous. Results were typically in accordance with those in literature. As for the procedure complication, short term ones mostly reported in literature might include: pain, bleeding, worsening urge, neither of which have been encountered in our cases; whereas the one year follow up visit, worsening urgency in 8%; cystocele in 12%; and finally pain in 10% seem to be consistent with the incidence rate in previous similar studies.