Crucial Insights: Post-Op Spinal Infections in Lumbar Fusion


Background: Spinal fusion Lumbar region in with PLIF in degenerative spinal disease is a prevalent surgical intervention; the frequency of infection and the risk elements that are connected with an escalated risk of contamination are still ambiguous for this particular patient cohort. Our aim is to verify the occurrence of postoperative spinal infections and recognize the factors that are correlated with such infections. Patients & Methods: The gathered information about a grown-up 124 person who had experienced an instrumented Surgical procedure for the fusion of the lower back vertebrae due to a degenerative spinal condition. From was examined in 2015 and 2020 retrospectively. To identify the factors related to infection, Sequential multivariate proportional hazards regression analysis was implemented. Any variable that has a p-value lower than 0.05 is considered to have statistical significance. Results: The multivariate logistics regression analyses were examined. The correlation between variables and the peril of surgical site infections. Of the 124 people examined, 21 (16.9%) were found to have SSI, with microbiological culture tests showing that 92.4% of patients had a positive result. Sixteen were superficial and, five were deep, and 7 cases of SSI were caused by mixed bacteria, with the remaining 14 being caused by single bacteria. Conclusions: Lumbar fusion in the posterior with PLIF is a surgical remedy that is gaining prominence in the management of degenerative spinal disease. However, despite its increasing utilization, the aftermath of spinal infection remains a feared complication. According to this study, postoperative infection affected roughly 16.9% of patients, with an established correlation between this risk and a host of factors, such as prolonged hospital stay, previous surgical interventions, advanced age, diabetes, and obesity. However, it is noteworthy that 95% of infected patients received successful treatment with surgical interventions or antibiotic medication without necessitating the removal of hardware