Epitome and Solid Declaration in Formula Concord of Lutheran Church and the Existence in HKBP Confession of Faith


After the death of Martin Luther (1546), the debates and doctrinal disputes developed among the followers of Luther. On the one side there are those who claim to be genuine Luther followers and on the other side there are groups who want to develop the unity of the Protestants. In 1580 the Formula Concord was published to answer and mediate disputes between Luther’s followers. The Formula Concord has two parts: the Summary (Epitome) which is a brief summary of the articles debated by the theologians supporting the Augsburg Confession proposed and adopted Christianly; The Solid Declaration is a general, pure, true and certain explanation and restatement of several articles of the Augsburg Confession on matters that have been disputed among theologians for some time, decided and established according to the Word of God. The Huria Kristen Batak Protestant Church (HKBP) as a church, member of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) had a Confession (Confession of Faith) in 1951 and 1996. This article is a qualitative research study that compared the Formula Concord with the HKBP’s Confession of Faith Years 1951 and 1996. The HKBP’s Confession of Faith does not conflict with the Lutheran Agreement Formula


Martin Luther, Formula Concord, Epitome, Solid Declaration, HKBP, HKBP’s Confession of Faith Years 1951 and 1996