Open Performance Review and Appraisal System (OPRAS) in Tanzania Public Service: Is it Performance Management or Just a Form Filling Exercise?


Performance appraisal is crucial in managing performance and makes the organization to achieve its intended objectives. Since the attainment of independence of Tanzania on 9th December 1961, Tanzania adopted the confidential appraisal system in managing public servants in the public service; such system existed from colonial regime until 2004. As a result of Public Service Reform Programme, during the year 2004 the Government of Tanzania introduced a new system of open performance review and appraisal system (OPRAS) by using the Establishment Circular Number 2 of 2004. But since the establishment of OPRAS many public institutions operationalize it as a mechanism for managing performance in Public Service but not exactly as guided by the guidelines. The organizations that tried their level best to implement it are faced with challenges in operationalization. Instead of outperforming they end up in underperforming or just filling the form as normal form filling exercise, also the filling of OPRAS forms mostly does not comply with the strategic plans. This led to the rise of question to be discussed in this article; is OPRAS in Tanzania Public Service a mechanism in managing performance or just a form filling exercise? Are the intended objectives for introducing OPRAS in Tanzania achieved? This study was conducted at Bahati Town Council in May 2022 by using the sample of 79 employees. The researcher used a descriptive research design whereby empiricism positivist philosophical stance was deployed to studying intensively about the operationalization of OPRAS in Babati Town Council. This study found out that OPRAS is taken as just a normal form filling exercise by public servants


OPRAS, Public Service, Reform, Performance Appraisal