Emprunt Linguistique et son Influence dans L’apprentissage D’une Langue Seconde: le Cas de la Langue Française


The phenomenon of linguistic borrowing represents one of the factors that can influence the acquisition of a second language in a learning system. French language learners run into problems if they encounter certain loan terms. Lexical interferences are transpositions of elements from one system to another. These transpositions are frequent for all languages and at all times in which simple borrowing and tracing are distinguished. Linguistic borrowing is a universal phenomenon to which all languages are subject at some point in their history. Each language is forced to borrow from another in order to ensure its survival. The objective of this study is not only to list certain borrowing and layering terms, but also to demonstrate how they can obstruct the acquisition of a second language. Our analysis focuses on the natural system of cohabitation and borrowing between the French, English and Hausa languages. We have distinguished borrowings formed with or without modification of the terms as well as those called “false friends” to which we have specified their origin and the pedagogical problem that this could cause in the teaching of the French language


borrowings, language, didactics, interferences, meaning