The Effect of Music Therapy on Stress Level of Hypertension Patients at Methodist Hospital Medan, Indonesia


Hypertension or high blood pressure is a disease that is called the silent killer because it is very dangerous without warning for its victims. Not only in Indonesia, but hypertension is also a problem throughout the world. According to Yonata in Purwanti, et al., (2022: 3) WHO data shows that 26.4% of people worldwide have hypertension, that number is around 972 million people and is likely to increase in 2025 to 29.2%. Of the 972 million people worldwide, there are 333 million people in developed countries and the remaining 639 million people are in developing countries like Indonesia. Therefore, various attempts were made to treat it. Apart from medical treatment, music therapy is now also an effort to reduce stress levels in people with hypertension. So that a new innovation was created through the Music Therapy Box (BmT) which is equipped with a GSR (Galvanic Skin Response) sensor to measure the patient’s stress level while participating in music therapy. This study was conducted on hypertensive patients at Medan Methodist Hospital. The hypertensive patient is a patient handled by dr. Joseph Partogi Sibarani, Sp.PD. He treats around 1,046 patients and there are around 700 patients with hypertension. There were 7 hypertensive patients who participated in this study using music therapy. The results showed that 5 out of 7 hypertensive patients experienced a decrease in stress numbers towards normal (0-300) on GSR at Box Music Therapy (BmT).


Hypertension, BmT, GSR sensor, Music Therapy, Medan Methodist Hospital