Performance in physics subject in secondary schools, particularly in secondary schools for the Hearing Impaired (HI) has been a matter of great concern in Kenya. Attempts including in-service programmes for science teachers such as Strengthening Mathematics and Science in Secondary Education (SMASSE) have been made to improve the situation but not much tangible fruits have been realized. Surveys have always shown low performance in the subject in most secondary schools for the HI in most parts of the country. This study examined the influence of time on task on performance of students with HI in physics. It adopted concurrent triangulation design and was carried out in selected schools for the HI in Western Kenya. The study sample composed of 4 principals, 7 teachers of physics, 147 students and 4 CSOs. Questionnaires, in-depth interviews, observation schedules and document analysis guide were used for data collection. Physics syllabus was bulky and the time allocated for its study was inadequate for learners with HI due to their unique challenges. It was never fully covered in most schools while others did rushy syllabus coverage denying learners the opportunity for deeper interaction with the content and understanding of the same. The study recommended that physics syllabus be shortened and adapted to suit the unique needs of learners with HI
Hearing impairment, Time on task, Performance, Physics