The Use of Quality-of-Life Measures in Assessing the Quality of Types of Anesthesia in Pregnant Patients with Anemia


This paper aims to know quality-of-life measures in assessing the quality of types of anaesthesia in pregnant patients with Anemia. In this study, 210 pregnant patients with anemia were recruited; the study aimed to know the quality of anaesthesia and its effect on patients’ quality of life. An observational, descriptive, and retrospective study was conducted on pregnant women with anemia, and the effect of anaesthesia on patients’ quality of life was investigated. Data were collected from different hospitals in Iraq from October 2020 to September 2021. In individuals with anemia and their families or caregivers, psychosocial problems have also been reported and assessed according to VAS. the results which found patients were distributed according to the group of patients for 135 and the control group for 75 patients, and the average age ranged between 22-40 years, Birth weight MEAN±SD of patient group 3022.5±450.1 and for control 3155.3±423.8, neonatal intensive care unit% were 5% for patients, and The quality of life of the patients was evaluated, and the study revealed that compared to the general anaesthesia, the spinal anesthesia allows the surgery to be performed at an early date, and statistical differences were found in most of the items of the questionnaire distributed to pregnant women.


Anaesthesia, General, Spinal, Pregnant, Patients, Anemia