The Role of Modern Technologies (Diagnostic PET Image) on Public Health


The scientific novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time the organizational aspects of introducing a new, high-tech and currently most effective diagnostic method into the practice of oncology service – positron emission tomography, organization and functioning of the PET department, methods for improving the efficiency and rationality of the department were identified. For the first time, a comparative analysis of the medical and statistical characteristics of the groups of cancer patients examined using the PET method and the MRI method was carried out. New is the analysis of the channels for referring patients with oncological diseases to high-tech methods for diagnostic studies and the sources of funding for such studies. For the first time, the structure and frequency of various radio diagnostic methods currently used for the detection of oncological diseases in a group of patients examined using PET and MRI methods, as well as an economic analysis of the use of various methods of radiodiagnostics are presented and carried out. New is the analysis of the social and health characteristics of patients examined using PET and MRI, taking into account their socioeconomic status, as well as the degree of completeness of patient reporting prior to high-tech research methods (PET).


PET, diagnostic, diseases, analysis, socioeconomic