Major production constraints of faba bean are lack of improved high yielding, abiotic and diseases stress tolerant varieties. Due to these most of farmers are using their local variety which is very susceptible for diseases and abiotic stress. Therefore; the objective of this experiment was to evaluate and recommend the best faba bean variety in terms of high yielder and farmers’ preference. The study was conducted in south Wollo zone at Jamma, Woreilu and Legehida on research station and farmers’ site 2020/21. The design was RCBD with three replications by using seven released varieties and local. The trial executed as Mother (three replications) and Baby (a single replication) trial form. Farmers evaluated and selected the varieties depending on their criteria from the baby trial. The criteria were seed size, pod number, tillers and disease free. The result of variance showed significant difference (P<0.05) for number of pods per plant, hundred seed weight in gm., grain yield and biomass in kg per hectare. But others all traits were not statistically significant difference among the varieties. Grain yield mean performance ranged between 1606kg/ha – 3409.2kg/ha for Hashengie and Ashebeka variety, respectively. Ashebeka variety scored the maximum grain yield, 3409.2kg/ha followed by Walki, 3241kg/ha and Hachalu, 3150.4kg/ha. Based on farmers’ selection process Ashebeka, Hachalu, Gora and Walki are highly preferred by farmers. Therefor in the coming season these demand lead technologies should be multiplied their seed and popularized at the tested and similar agro-ecology of faba bean producing areas in the region
Mother and baby trial, farmers’ selection traits, participatory variety selection and released verities