Determining the Prevalence of CKD in Type 2 Diabetes Patients Iraqi


A cross-sectional study was conducted in Iraq, where 150 patients were collected from several different hospitals, and this paper aims to determine the prevalence of chronic kidney disease, its categories, and its relationship to many demographic and clinical factors for ages between (45-80) years patients with type 2 diabetes in Iraq. This study was designed through a questionnaire that was distributed to patients in a period of time. During a period of 6 months (9-13-2020 to 4-5-2021), the required approvals and licenses were obtained from the relevant committees for the purpose of this study and distributing of the questionnaire to patients. A univariate logistic regression model for risk factor analysis was conducted, which identifies advanced age, treated hypertension, and the presence of high comorbidities as possible factors for CKD in diabetic patients, and a significant relationship was found at ages 70–80 years with CI-95%5.6 (3.5–10.9) at p-value 0.000, High comorbidity 4.3 (3.1 – 5.5) at p-value 0.002.


CKD, BMI, diabetes, questionnaire, RRT.