Living together in the Context of Covid-19 as seen by Burkinabè Pupils of CM2


This research aims to study the apprehension of living together in the current context of pandemic due to Covid-19 among CM2 students in Burkina Faso. A sample of 96 participants (52 girls vs 44 boys), moderately aged 12 ± 6 months was interviewed by questionnaire. The results show that participants have knowledge about barrier measures to combat Covid-19. Girls, more than boys, see these measures as instituting social distancing between individuals. However, these measures do not constitute an obstacle to living together. We just have to do it differently. While encouraging, through education and awareness, respect for “barrier” measures to contain this social scourge, it is necessary to promote the virtues of living together, otherwise


Burkina Faso; Covid-19; discrimination; stigmatization; living together