Spinal Anesthesia and Femoral Fractures


Background: Most hip fracture patients are elderly and treated with surgery that requires anaesthesia where the fracture is due to a simple fall or another type, and These patients often have many other medical problems associated with aging that put them at risk of dying after anaesthesia. Objective: This research aims to study the impact of spinal Anaesthesia on femoral fractures (hip fractures). Materials and methods: In this study, 80 pain patients were recruited into Femoral Fractures, where they were administered on two groups of anaesthesia, namely spinal anaesthesia and general anaesthesia. The two types of anaesthesia were applied to both sexes, male and female, for both groups: spinal anaesthesia for 40 patients and general anaesthesia for ages between 50 and 70, considering the height and weight of the patient in diagnosing patients’ condition. This study relies on the SPSS program to determine the mean, SD, and the application of statistics to find out which anaesthesia most affects spinal or general on both of male and female patients. Results: This study specialized in the results of the analysis based on specific topics such as age, gender, Weight Surgical Techniques, Weight Surgical Techniques, and Smoking Anaesthesia Time for the patient for both males and females, where these data were divided into two groups: Spinal Anaesthesia, the number of 40, and the other, General Anaesthesia, the number of 40. This paper presented the ASA classification for four types, including Healthy, Mild systemic disease, Severe systemic disease, and not incapacitating, where Mild systemic disease included the most cases of both patients for two groups, Spinal with 12 (30%) and General 10 (25%) with a P-value of up to 0.042. Conclusion: The results indicate that the survival during 30 days after hip fracture surgery for patients under spinal anaesthesia is more survival and lower mortality rate than for patients under general anaesthesia regarding the incidence of deep vein thrombosis and the amount of blood lost. Patients under general anaesthesia are most susceptible to complications, as hypotension was caused by spinal anaesthesia because of the amount of blood lost


Spinal Anaesthesia; General Anaesthesia; Hip fractures; Hemiarthroplasty, Hypotension