Effects of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Ovary Function in Rats with Cyclophosphamide Induced Ovarian Damage


Background: The term premature ovarian failure is defined as a persistent decrease in ovarian function in women. Platelet-rich plasma contains growth factors. Our study aimed to test the effectiveness of platelet-rich plasma that was tried in patients who did not benefit from routine infertility treatments on experimental animals. Material and Methods: In the study, 40 female rats were used, and to obtain platelet-rich plasma, eight male rats were used. The animals used in the study were randomly divided into four groups, with ten animals in each group prospectively. At the end of the 21st day, rats in all groups were euthanized by taking intracardiac blood. Following anti-mullerian hormone measurement, histological analysis, follicle count, and real-time- polymerase chain reaction analyzes were made. Results: In our study, the highest anti-mullerian hormone concentration was measured only in the group given platelet-rich plasma, and the lowest value was measured in the group with ovarian damage. The results of Bcl-2 mRNA expression analysis by real-time-polymerase chain reaction also showed that the lowest expression occurred in the group with ovarian damage. The correlation analysis results showed a statistically significant, moderate negative correlation between the ovarian damage group and the ovarian damage + Platelet-rich plasma group. Conclusions: As a result, it is evaluated that platelet-rich plasma can be used as a preventative in women who are treated with cyclophosphamide and similar agents and subsequently develop ovarian side effects that are very difficult to treat


Platelet-Rich Plasma, Cyclophosphamide, Anti-Mullerian Hormone, Bcl-2, Real-Time- Polymerase Chain Reaction