Assessment of Mortality Rates for Heart Patients with Cerebral Palsy in Ira


This study aimed to detect risk factors for mortality in patients with heart disease and those with cerebral palsy. A cross-sectional study was conducted in Iraq by collecting information and demographic data of patients in cooperateded with Baghdad Hospital in Iraq. The study included the collection of 200 patients for the purpose of assessment mortality rates for heart patients with cerebral palsy. The average age ranged between 10 to 30 years. The patients were distributed according to the disease (110 male patients) (90 female patients) and primary information was collected (age, body composition, comorbidities), and the patients were classified according to the gross motor function classification system. (GMFCS). The study shows that there is an increased risk for patients with ischaemic heart disease in the mortality of cerebral palsy patients in males for four patients and three female patients with a p-value of 0.06, Diseases of the circulatory system for three male patients and one female with a statistically significant relationship at 0.01. Cerebral palsy is an urgent problem not only for children but also for neurodegenerative diseases in adults. Two hundred patients aged between 10 and 30 years with a confirmed diagnosis of cerebral palsy were examined. Features of motor disorders are revealed in adolescents and adults, which differ from those in childhood. The high frequency of stressful phenomena and their degree of severity at the age of 14-30 significantly worsens the quality of life of patients and significantly reduces the effectiveness of rehabilitatio.


CP, diseases, Heart, CVD, GMFCS.