Harnessing Sustainable HRM: The Impact of Green Psychological Climate on In-Role and Voluntary Green Behaviors


Research Aims: The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of Sustainable Human Resource Management (shrm) on green phycological climate (gpc) of business organizations, and the effect of gpc on in-role service behavior (igsb) and voluntary green service behavior (vgsb). Design/Methodology/Approach: This research involved 370 employees of service companies in Indonesia as respondents;  and the data were analyzed using WarpPLS-SEM. Research findings: The research found that shrm  practices have a positive impact on green service behaviors (in-role and voluntary green behavior). Another result of this study shows that shrm practices enable to stimulate green psychological climate, and this climate affects on igsb and vgsb equally.  Sustainably human resource management affects strongly on gpc leaving a clear explanation that green strategy of human resources is a base for the green organization development. Theoretical contribution/Originality: This study enhances the application of Social Identity Theory in Sustainable  Human Resource Management (shrm) by identifying the strategic importance of shrm implementation in fostering a green psychological climate. It highlights the impact on both in-role and voluntary green service behaviors. Practitioner/Policy implication: Practitioners should focus on integrating sustainable human resource management practices that promote environmental sustainability within their organizations, as well as emphasizing training and development related to green practices can enhance both igsb and vgsb among employees.Research limitation: The data collection for this study was designed cross sectionally due to the relative difficulty of conducting a longitudinal study, so it has limitations in continuing to ascertain the causal effects of the variants studied. If in the future this study is conducted longitudinally, it will be better in ascertaining the development of the increase of  shrm on gpc and igsb and vgsb