This study aimed to Evaluating the results of rounded shoulders without previous symptoms and their relationship with static and dynamic basic balance where A cross-sectional study was conducted on a specific group of samples of athletes in Najaf Governorate – Iraq, where 70 samples were collected and distributed into two groups (40 athletes included the samples who suffer from Rounded shoulders without previous symptoms 30 samples included the healthy comparison group. This study was designed to gather a specific group and apply the necessary tests to achieve the goal where The cases were evaluated according to specific standards to find out the negative and positive effects. The athletes were tested according to Quick DASH Score and Quick DASH Score and The samples were also analysed according to the statistical analysis program Microsoft Excel and SPSS Soft 22:0 In this study, a positive relationship was found between the patient group and the results of static and dynamic balance in the results of rounded shoulders without previous symptoms. One of the primary risk factors to consider is the development of glenohumeral instability. This condition can arise from traumatic events that result in structural damage to the shoulder or from an inherent deficiency of passive and active shoulder stabilizers. Furthermore, engaging in contact sports and experiencing an increase in tissue elasticity, known as hyperlaxity, can predispose individuals to anterior shoulder instability. It is worth noting that these risk factors may vary depending on the specific condition and individual circumstances
Rounded, shoulders, symptoms,BMI, tissue, instability