Palm Sensor Module Design Robotic Legs in Monopedal Conditions Using the Resultant Force Method


Dance robot is one of the implementations of technology in the field of robotics which has the ability to imitate human movements when dancing and walking. This dance robot is designed to resemble the shape of the human body, which has two arms and two legs as its means of movement. The most important thing to note before standing and walking is balance. The sensor used is a pressure sensor of type RP-C18.3. Force is any influence that can cause an item to change, either in the form of movement or direction. a force can cause an object with a certain mass to change its speed. The use of the resultant force equation is one of the methods that can be used to determine the coordinates of the fulcrum on the soles of the robot’s feet. A vector is a force that has both magnitude and direction. The sum of all the forces acting is the resultant force or the total force. Force is a vector magnitude so that the total force is calculated based on the provisions of the vector addition. Data analysis results from the theory contained in the force resultant equation obtained the highest percentage error value of 0.87% and the lowest 0%, this error is due to differences in the process of rounding off the decimal points. System testing between visual basic sensor and servo modules can also be run. The balance sensor module works well, it can be seen about the system testing that valid data is obtained on reading the coordinate directions and there are no reading errors in data processing. This sensor module can be a reference for robotics developers


Robot Dance, balance, sensor RP-C18.3