Mapping on the Implementation of the Family Planning Village (KB) Program in the City of Kupang n 2022


The high growth of the population explosion is predicted to hamper the pace of development in various sectors. Therefore, the Government runs several programs to overcome and suppress the high birth rate of the population which is included in the implementation of the BKKBN Program, namely the establishment of Family Planning Villages (KB). In this KB village, it is hoped that the implementation of the BKKBN program and other development programs can run in an integrated and concurrent way. Writing scientific papers aims to map the location of family planning villages in Kupang City based on the distribution pattern of the family planning villages, how the administrative location of the area included in providing information related to family planning programs such as couples of childbearing age, including factors that inhibit EFA can affect population growth. This type of research is a mix method, namely quantitative and qualitative studies. The research population is the coverage of couples of childbearing age who take part in the family planning program in every sub-district/village that has a family planning village in the Kupang city area. Secondary data was obtained through a literature study by collecting and requesting EFA data along with the Sex Ratio from the Family Planning Village House in seven locations in Kupang City. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of one of the work programs of Kampung KB in Kupang City, namely Couples of Childbearing Age (PUS) who participate in the family planning program has been running well but not optimally. In this implementation, it was found that there was support from the government, village level program implementers, and youth organizations. Meanwhile, one of the obstacles found was that there were no printed books containing guides or activity guidelines for cadres


Implementation, Family Planning Village Program, Mapping